【What is an SNP? 】
Each SNP represents a difference in a single DNA building block, called a nucleotide. The sequence of the nucleotide determines DNA function. The variations in nucleotides might lead to impaired function in genes. 1,000 Genomes Project implemented in 2008 has recorded human SNP and variations, judging the degrees of SNP variations【 What is a Gene? 】
A gene is a segment of DNA, a recipe for making proteins. Proteins compose most of our bodies, and maintain the functions of our bodies, which can control the inherited segment of DNA. DNA segment is made up of nucleotides, and the sequence of the decided the function of that particular DNA. Up to date, human has 20,000 to 25,000 genes which have functions. Scientists have studied the relationship between the genetic mutations and diseases, and constructed an international open source database.【What is a Chromosome? 】
Chromosomes are located in the cell’s nucleus, and made up of histones protein and DNA. In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, and one pair of sex chromosomes decide the gender. Chromosomes are inherited from father and mother. Through the hereditary, children’s health are deeply influenced by parents.【What is Next Generation Sequencing?】
Next Generation Genetic Testing utilizes Next Generation Sequencing (NGS ) to sequence DNA fragments in a faster and more accurate way. Through the analysis of bio information, and compare the results with the international database, to identify the variation of three arenas, and clinical psychologists will evaluate the relation between genes and the big three characteristics.